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Here is why everyone is talking about Myleene Klass today

She had a somewhat heated debate with Ed Milliband last night.

LAST NIGHT, LABOUR leader Ed Milliband appeared on ITV’s The Agenda alongside Prime Minister David Cameron to debate matters of great importance to the British public.

Just kidding! He actually knocked heads with former Hear’Say member Mylene Klass.

No, really.

klass Source: YouTube

The discussion started out peacefully enough as they chatted about ISIS, but took an ugly turn when the conversation turned to a “mansion tax” proposed by Ed Milliband. Myleene Klass, it seems, is not a fan.

Under the proposed measure, the party has pledged to impose high taxes on homes worth in excess of £2 million. And Klass is having none of it, saying it’s going to affect elderly people.

It’s going to be the little grannies who have lived in those houses for years and years and it’s very kind of you guys to turn around and say ‘well don’t worry if you can’t pay the tax now, we’ll take it when you die’, and the inheritance tax as well – it’s going to be their sons and daughters who are lumbered with this.

She further stated that London properties worth £2 million are typically the size of “a garage” and that the term “mansion tax” was therefore misleading.

In one exchange, she also told Milliband can’t just tax all around him.

You may as well just tax me on this glass of water. You can’t just point at things and tax them.

The heated debate had many praising Myleene Klass and criticising Ed Milliband who appeared unable to hold his own with her.

However, Klass has also been subject to criticism following her appearance on the show with many accusing her of being, well, a little out of touch.

As for Myleene? Sure, she was knocking back champers with Ed Milliband after the show.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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